Project Overview

Fall River, MA
Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project
The proposed 115 kilovolt (kV) overhead transmission line will be constructed on the south side of an existing transmission corridor that already contains one transmission line.
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The Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project is one of several planned infrastructure upgrades in southeast Massachusetts needed to support the growing transmission needs of the area well into the future.
The Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project is a joint project of National Grid and Eversource.
The proposed overhead approximately 12.1-mile, 115 kilovolt (kV) transmission line will be constructed in an existing transmission right-of-way, with approximately 7.9 miles located in Acushnet, Dartmouth and New Bedford, MA (Eversource Energy) and approximately 4.2 miles in Fall River, MA (National Grid). The new line begins at the Industrial Park Tap in Acushnet, MA and terminates at the Bell Rock Substation in Fall River, MA.
To learn more about the Eversource portion of this project, please visit their Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project webpage.
Department of Public Utilities (DPU)
National Grid and Eversource filed an application with the Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) and the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) in December of 2021 to seek approval for this upcoming Project. Through the application process members of the public and all interested parties will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments on the proposed project through an EFSB-sponsored public comment hearing.
The Siting Board conducted a remote public comment hearing regarding the Project using Zoom video conferencing April 25, 2022
Project Benefits
Stronger Electrical SystemThe Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project and other planned electrical infrastructure upgrades will meet the growing transmission needs of the South Coast area.
Economic BenefitsThe Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project in Fall River will result in additional tax revenue to the City of Fall River beginning the first year after the new transmission line is in service.