Protecting The Environment
National Grid works closely with federal and state agencies, environmental organizations, local communities, and other interested parties to maximize environmental protection in our operations. We are committed to protecting and enhancing the environmental status of the land on which we operate. National Grid has established and proven environmental guidelines and practices that will be implemented during the construction of the Project.
For the Acushnet to Fall River Reliability Project, National Grid is coordinating with the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) to minimize or avoid potential adverse effects on rare species habitats during design, construction, and operation of the Project.
Habitat Benefits
The proposed Project will create conditions that support and encourage wildlife. Tree clearing and mowing will create additional scrub-shrub and open meadow habitats, which are rare in southern New England. These habitats are beneficial to many species, including insects, native pollinators, birds, bats and other state-protected birds and reptiles. Creation of additional scrub-shrub and open meadow will also increase habitat opportunity for state-listed plant species colonization.
Conservation and Management Plan
To avoid and minimize species habitat impacts, National Grid will develop a Conservation and Management Plan for approval by the NHESP that includes measures such as:
- Environmental and rare species awareness training for construction crews
- Seasonal restrictions for tree clearing and vegetation removal
- Installation of signs alerting work crews and local traffic to rare species habitats
- Tracking and protection via radio-telemetry or other field methods
- Restoration of habitat after construction
- Onsite and/or offsite habitat protection measures

Project Permitting and Approvals
National Grid and Eversource anticipate that they will need to obtain the following permits and approvals for the Project
- United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Pre-Construction Notification under Section 404/10 of the Clean Water Act
National Historic Preservation Act review - United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Storm Water General Permit
- United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
IPaC Conservation consultation
- Mass. Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) & Department of Public Utilities (DPU)
Approval to Construct & Operate
- Mass. Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Mass. Environmental Policy Act (MEPA)
- Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Section 401 Water Quality Certificate
Waterways Program - Ch. 91 Minor Modification - Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP)
MESA Project Review Checklist
Conservation and Management Plan - Mass. Historical Commission (MHC)
Section 106 Consultation
- Mass. Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT)
Highway Crossing Permit
- Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Construction Access Permit
- City of Fall River
Conservation Commission - Order of Conditions
Zoning & Planning Boards - Storm Water Management and Earth Removal Permits
Water Board - Notification of work within the Watuppa watershed