
National Grid works closely with federal and state agencies, environmental organizations, local communities, and other interested parties to maximize environmental protection in our operations. We are committed to protecting and enhancing the environmental status of the land on which we operate. National Grid has established and proven environmental guidelines and practices that will be implemented during the construction of the Project.
The N12/M13 Double Circuit Tower Separation Project involves separating the existing N12 and M13 Double Circuit Tower (DCT) configuration of the existing 115 kilovolt transmission lines from the Pottersville Switching Station in Somerset to the Sykes Road Substation in Fall River, a distance of approximately 1.85 miles
Portions of the Project are located within industrial port areas along the Taunton River, which include pre-existing infrastructure including the Mass Coastal Rail freight rail into Fall River, the former Shell Oil Terminal, and the ongoing construction of the South Coast Rail Facility in Fall River. The existing M13 Line crossing over the Taunton River would be replaced with a new overhead crossing adjacent to the existing N12/M13 double circuit crossing of the Taunton River beginning at National Grid’s Pottersville Substation. There are no anticipated impacts to the Taunton River from activities pertaining to the design, construction, and operation of the Project. National Grid and its contractors will implement best management practices and protection measures during the construction-phase of the Project. Wire stringing activities will need to take place over the Taunton River and construction of temporary wire stringing sites on each side of the Taunton River will be required to provide a level workspace for equipment and personnel. In order to avoid in-water work, National Grid may consider the use of a helicopter to string the wires across the Taunton River which would avoid physically crossing the Taunton River. The alternative to using a helicopter is the use of a boat that would physically pull the lead wire across the Taunton River. With this method the Taunton River would be physically traversed. The final decision regarding helicopter use will be made based on site logistics and safety considerations during the construction phase of the Project.
Additionally, National Grid has taken steps to promote climate change adaptation and resiliency in the design of the Project. The Project will result in a more climate-ready and resilient transmission system that can (1) withstand more extreme weather events; (2) address existing system capacity shortages and increased demand; and (3) support future interconnections from renewable energy projects and offshore wind. In addition, National Grid’s preferred solution uses substantial portions of existing Right-of-way, thereby minimizing alteration of new land resources to construct the Project.
Project Permitting and Approvals
National Grid anticipated that they will need to obtain the following permits and approvals for the Project
- United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
Authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act
National Historic Preservation Act review and Section 106 Consultation - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Storm Water General Permit
- United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Section 7 Endangered Species Act and IPaC Consultation
- Mass. Department of Public Utilities (DPU)
Petition for "Right of Convenience and Necessity Submitted August 5, 2022”"
- Mass. Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Mass. Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Certificate
- Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Section 401 Water Quality Certificate
Waterways Program – Ch. 91 Minor Modification
- Mass. Office of Coastal Zone Management
Federal Consistency Review
- Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP)
MESA Project Review Checklist
- Mass. Historical Commission (MHC)
- Authorization under National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 and Massachusetts General Law [M.G.L.] c. 9 § 27C
- Mass. Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT)
Highway Crossing Permit
- Somerset
Conservation Commission – Order of Conditions
- Fall River
Conservation Commission – Order of Conditions