Project Overview

Fall River & Somerset, MA
N12/M13 Double Circuit Tower Separation Project
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The N12/M13 Double Circuit Tower Separation Project is one of several planned infrastructure upgrades in southeast Massachusetts needed to support the growing transmission needs of the area well into the future. The transmission grid serves as the backbone of our electric system and is vital to our region's safety, security, and economic prosperity.
The N12/M13 Double Circuit Tower Separation Project is a proposed reliability project to separate two transmission lines currently carried on one set of transmission structures.
Separating the lines will reduce the chances of an outage affecting both lines. The wires will also be upgraded to support additional electric current.
The 1.8-mile segment of overhead power lines to be reconstructed begins on the west shore of the Taunton River in Somerset (Riverside Avenue at Pottersville Substation), crosses the river to Fall River, and continues east in an existing transmission corridor to the Sykes Road Substation.
The design and permitting of the proposed project is ongoing, with construction anticipated to start in 2024.
Department of Public Utilities (DPU)
National Grid filed an application with the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) on August 5, 2022 to seek approval for this upcoming Project. Through the application process members of the public and all interested parties will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments on the proposed project through an DPU-sponsored public comment hearing.
The DPU conducted a remote public comment hearing regarding the Project on Thursday, March 30, 2023.
If you were unable to attend a video recording of this hearing may be viewed at the following link
Department of Public Utility, Company Petition and Other Materials, National Grid's Notice of Public Comment Hearing, the Petition, and all other accompanying materials that were filed with the DPU for this proposed Project are linked in the Information Tab of this website:
Project Benefits
Stronger Electrical SystemThe N12/M13 Double Circuit Tower Separation Project and other planned electrical infrastructure upgrades will meet the growing transmission needs of the South Coast area.
Economic BenefitsThe N12/M13 Double Circuit Tower Separation Project will result in additional tax revenue to the City of Fall River and the Town of Somerset beginning the first year after the transmission lines are in service.
Project Video